There are several ways to control access during the construction phase of a new or existing building. Start by making sure all Latch devices on the property are properly installed and activated on the doors. Refer to this section for more information on this procedure.
Creating the Construction Key
Initially, you should generate a key for your construction team with the settings you prefer. You can schedule access to these doors to match the approved work hours, ensuring that access is restricted after the work day concludes. Additionally, you can restrict the sharing of the key (sending digital guest access to a door within it) or obtain a personal doorcode to prevent construction personnel from sharing access to the building/doors.
It is important to designate each user as having 'Non-Resident' access to the key so that you can see their activity in the Door App or Web platform (see this article on Setting the Correct Resident Status).
Once you've created your Key and have the settings for your construction team in place, you'll want to determine how your team will access these doors.
Door App: If each team member will access doors via the Door App, just send them an invitation to the Door App and add the Construction Key to their account. Note you can set an expiration date for the access when granting them access (Inviting Users, Editing Access (Assigning or Revoking Keys), and Removing Users). You may also add a keycard to any user's account by activating a keycard to their account.
Note that if the user never plans to use their Door App (where a door update occurs during their first unlock at a door, you'll need to update the Latch device before the keycard will work at that door).
Shared Keycard: For security purposes, we recommend each user have their own Door Account and Keycard assigned. This will allow you to see who performs each unlock in the activity section of the Door App or Web platform.
To have a shared keycard, just create a profile (ex: Construction Team 1), add the Construction Key, and send the invitation to an e-mail address you have control of. Once complete, assign a Latch Keycard to that account. The keycard will automatically mirror the Key access assigned to this account (i.e. it will have access to all of the doors in the Construction Key).
Note: In order to open the doors in the Construction Key, you'll need to perform a door update on all of the doors within that key.
Revoking Construction Team Access: If you do not set an expiration date on the access when you assign the Construction Key to an account, you'll want to revoke the key and/or delete the accounts. Once complete, you'll need to perform a door update on all doors in the Construction Key to fully revoke the access.