If you manage a Door enabled property, you can create and assign keys to grant access to doors. A key holds a door or group of doors and can be assigned to one or more people, giving them access to all the doors in that key. Property management can also apply certain settings to keys, such as Key Schedules. When you edit a key, the changes will apply to everyone with that Key. To create a key:
- Select 'Access' and 'Keys'
- Choose 'Actions' on the right side of the Keys page
- Choose 'Make Key'
- Add a name to your key. Note that the name will not be revealed in the Door App, so we recommend including enough detail to help your team distinguish it from other keys. For example, you may label it 'Resident' or 'Resident Amenities.'
- Choose the doors you'd like to add to the key and any settings you'd like to apply to those doors. Note these settings will impact all users you assign this key.
- Enable Doorcodes: For example, whether you'd like to enable doorcodes for each door you add. Enabling doorcodes will provide the users who have access to this key with a unique doorcode to open this door.
- Key Schedules: You may also put a Key Schedule in place, which will determine the hours when users assigned this key may perform an unlock at that door. For example, if you add a schedule to the 'Pool Door' for Monday-Friday 9 AM to 5 PM, users assigned this key will only be able to use their Door App to open the 'Pool Door' during those times.
- Choose 'Select Doors' and 'Create Key' on the next screen.