Changing Batteries in your Latch Device

Where can I find my device's battery life? 

To determine your device's remaining battery percentage, open the Door App, go to Access to see your doors' list, and select the door name. We recommend performing a Door Update first (tap 'Update' and then 'Update' again) to ensure you are seeing the most up-to-date battery reading. Then, go back to the device page and select 'Device Details,' where you can see your device's battery reading. 

How long can I expect the batteries in my Latch device to last?

  • The Latch M's batteries should last 12 months under normal usage with 6 x AA Duracell non-rechargeable batteries.
  • The Latch C2’s batteries should last 24 months under normal usage with 6 x AA Duracell non-rechargeable batteries.  
  • The Latch C1’s batteries should last roughly 9 months under normal usage with 6 x AA Duracell non-rechargeable batteries.  
  • The e-Genius Powered by Latch's batteries should last 18 months under normal usage with 6 x AA Duracell non-rechargeable batteries.  

How do I change the batteries on my Latch device?

If you don't manage your own Latch device, please request that your property manager change the batteries of your device to avoid any damage. If you do manage your own Latch device, below are the steps to change the batteries for your device. For all Latch devices, you'll also want to follow this guidance for battery changes:

  • Replace ALL 6 AA batteries with new batteries of the same brand. Mixing and matching new and old batteries can cause battery failure and reduced battery life.
  • Perform a door update using the Door App immediately after changing the batteries. Failing to update the device with the Door App after battery replacement can result in unreliable functionality or disruption in guest access.

Latch M Devices:

  1. Remove the Latch M's inner trim by removing the two screws on the top and bottom with a Phillips head screwdriver.
  2. Replace the 6 AA batteries with AA non-rechargeable alkaline batteries, noting the polarity on the battery tray (for step-by-step instructions, please refer to the installation guide for your device).
  3. Update the device using the Door.

Latch C and C2

  1. Remove the Latch C’s inner trim by removing the two screws on the top and bottom with a Phillips head screwdriver.
  2. Replace the 6 AA batteries with AA non-rechargeable alkaline batteries, noting the polarity on the battery tray.  Also, note the tabs on the outer sides of the battery compartment and the polarity. You will need to slide the battery into place under these tabs before placing the second battery. (For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the installation guide for your device).
  3. Update the device using the Door App (instead of the Door App).


Related articles:

Inductive Jumpstart: Powering 3rd Generation Latch Devices if the Batteries Fail

How to perform a Door Update

    1. Open the Door App

    2. Tap 'Access' or the key-shaped button

    3. From the resulting list, select the door you want to update

    4. In the door's details section, tap on the "Update" button. 

    5. Select the "Update" button one more time. Note: You must be close to the device in order to update the Door.

    6. Once your Door is updated, a message confirming the door was successfully updated will appear, along with the date and time of the last update.

How to perform a Firmware Upgrade with the Door App

Firmware Upgrades offer numerous optimizations and improvements to Latch device performance, functions, and overall security. Residents can now upgrade select Latch M, eGenius, and Latch C2 devices through their Door App.
To Firmware Upgrade the Latch device (while physically at the device):
  1. Open the Door App (iOS, Android)
  2. Select the corresponding property
  3. Select 'Access'
  4. Select the corresponding door/lock name
  5. Select ‘Upgrade firmware'

The Firmware Upgrade may take up to 3 minutes. During this time, please do not step away from the device or close out the App. Please ensure your phone has Bluetooth ON and is connected to a good internet. Also, please enable location services for Android phones before performing the upgrade.
If the Firmware Upgrade fails on the first try, please reset the Door App by closing out and reopening the App, then reattempting the Upgrade 2-3 more times. If unsuccessful after 3 tries, please reach out to your property manager for further assistance.

The numbers on the Latch lens are blinking after typing my doorcode in or attempting to use my Keycard

If the numbers on the lens blink after typing in your doorcode or attempting to use a Latch Keycard, it's possible the doorcode was incorrectly entered or, in both cases, your access may not be synced to the Latch device. We recommend the following:

  1. Verify in your Door App that you have current access to the door you're attempting to unlock.
  2. If you do have current access, perform a manual update using the Door App.
  3. Attempt a Door App unlock by tapping the blue 'Unlock' button.
  4. Attempt an unlock using your doorcode and/or Latch Keycard again. Ensure you're tapping the device lens to wake the device before typing in your doorcode or presenting your Latch Keycard and that you're following the doorcode recommendations in this article. 

If these steps do not resolve the issue, we recommend contacting your property management team for assistance. Please include the specifics around the issue you are facing (any error messages or device behavior being seen, etc) so your property management team can troubleshoot the issue further.


Related articles: 

I don't see doors or am missing doors in my Door App

I'm getting an 'Out of Schedule' Error in the Door App

Updating Your Latch Device with the Door App

Performing an update on your Latch device is critical to ensuring optimal functionality and that the device receives any changes you've made, particularly as it relates to access. Any user with Door App access to a door may perform a door update.

Doors without an internet connection require an update whenever you:

  1. Revoke someone's access
  2. Activate a Keycard 

Note: Doors are automatically updated whenever someone unlocks a door for the first time with the app (during the “setting up” process). You may also intervene and update the doors yourself with the Door App (e.g. if the user plans to use a doorcode or Keycard to interact with their door and is unable to use the Door App).

How to update a door using the Door App

In the Door App (while physically at the Latch device):

  1. Select Access or the Key Icon in your Door App
  2. Select the door you'd like to update and choose update.

The update should only take a few moments. During this time, please do not step away from the device or close your app. Once your Door is updated, a green check mark will appear, along with the date and time of the last update.


Related articles:

How to perform a Door Update 

Inductive Jumpstart: Powering 3rd Generation Latch Devices if the Batteries Fail

Inductive Jumpstart allows certain Latch devices (with 3rd Generation Latch Lens) to be powered and unlocked in the event the batteries unexpectedly drain or fail, ensuring that you can access your unit by using a Qi-compatible power bank (such as the one linked here) to power the device.

Inductive Jumpstart is available on all Latch devices with a 3rd generation Latch Lens. To determine if your Latch device has a 3rd generation Latch Lens, select the door in your Door App and choose 'Device Details.' If the Firmware begins with 'G,' your device would be compatible with Qi charging. 

Watch our Inductive Jumpstart training video here or run through the steps below:

  • Step 1 - Get a Qi power bank (such as the one linked here or a compatible 2-way power share enabled phone). 
  • Step 2 - Turn the power bank on and hold the charging coil over the center of the lens.  Note that charging coils vary from device to device, but the center is a good bet.  It is ok if you need to rotate the thumb turn slightly to get it over the center.  
  • Step 3 - You will hear a buzz as the device boots up. This means you have found the right location.  Keep holding the power bank or phone in power share mode in this location.
  • Step 4 - While continuing to power the lens via the power bank, perform a BLE unlock with a device that has Door App access to the lock.  You should hear a click as the device unlocks.  
  • Step 5 - Once you hear the click, you’re good to remove the power bank and unlock your device.  
  • Step 6 - Replace the dead batteries before closing and locking the door again. Perform a manual door update.

Related articles:

Changing Batteries in your Latch Device

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