The Latch Intercom provides users with the ability to receive calls and let guests in, even if the resident is away from the property.
How do I receive calls from the Latch Intercom? Can I change how I receive calls?
To receive intercom calls, your property manager must set you up using either an email address or phone number. You can then receive intercom calls via the Door App or via phone call and can change your settings for doing so within the Door App. If, after running through these steps, you do not see the Latch Intercom added to a door in your building, please update your Door App to the latest version.
To modify the way you receive Latch Intercom calls, navigate to Access in the Door App. Tap ‘Intercom’ and then ‘Call Settings.’
Can I let visitors in remotely with the Latch Intercom?
Yes, there are three ways to let a visitor in remotely:
- If you are receiving intercom calls via phone call, tap the number ‘9’ when you are ready to let your visitor into the building.
- If you are receiving intercom calls via the Door App, tap ‘Door App’ during your call, and then tap ‘Unlock.’
- As an alternative to an intercom call, you can scroll through the list of doors in the Door App, find the door the intercom is located at (it will say 'Paired to intercom' in grey text below the door name), and press the blue 'Unlock' button.
Intercom Settings (hiding your contact in the intercom directory, changing your intercom display name, and editing your call settings)
To be hidden in the Intercom directory, navigate to the Profile Settings section in the Door App (on the top right corner of the screen). There, tap on ‘Intercom Settings’ and toggle off ‘Show in Intercom’ to stop displaying your name in the directory.
In that section, you can also modify your intercom display name by tapping on ‘Display name.’ You can select between ‘Default’ and ‘Custom.’ ‘Default’ displays the name as [First Name] [Last Initial]. For example, John Smith will appear as ‘John S.’
If you choose ‘Custom,’ you can choose any name you’d like, including names with emojis.
Finally, you can also modify the way your receive an intercom call by tapping on 'Call settings' and selecting whether to receive the intercom call via In-app call or Phone call. Note that the latter will only be available if you have a phone number added to your account.