Welcome to your smartest install yet. Installing and programming Latch R, Latch M, and Latch C2 is simple with Door App. If you don't have access to Door App, contact us at doorman@door.com.
Follow these steps in order:
1. Add a device
Once you have installed the Latch device, you need to add and save the device's information:
- Open the Door App.
- Locate the property you want to install your device at.
- Select the ‘Access’ icon.
- Select 'Advanced options'.
- Select 'Doors'.
- Tap on 'Add Device' to scan the QR Code on the Latch Device or enter the Serial Number manually.
- Scan the QR Code on the back panel of the device on the inside of the door or on the package
- Confirm you are activating your device in the correct Property and select the Unit you want to assign to the door (optional).
- Select the door you want to assign the device to or click on 'Create new door' to create a new door.
2. Assign or create a door
- If you have pre-created a door in the Door App or Web platform, you can assign it by selecting 'Door Name'.
- If you have not pre-created the door you create a door
- Enter the door or apartment name
- Select the door type.
For more information please check this article: Creating Doors
3. Set-up the device
Requires at least 20% battery life on battery-powered devices
- Select the latest firmware version
- You’ll then be prompted to go through the Set-Up Process
- Select ‘Start’
- The Latch Device should then start updating. (Note: the update can take 10-15 min, do not step away from the device or navigate out of the Door app)
- Once successful, select 'Next'
4. Test unlock
- You will then be prompted to test unlock by tapping ‘Tap to unlock’
- Check that the device unlocked and the door opened
- Select ‘Next’
- Select ‘Finish’
5. Test lock
- Depending on the device and configuration, the door will re-lock after 5s (Latch R), 10s (Latch M, Latch R), when the thumbturn is thrown (Latch C2), or when the lens is tapped (Latch C).
- Make sure that the device re-locks as expected prior to closing and securing the door.
1a. Configuring Latch R
To finish programming Latch R, you need to configure a few settings:
- Once you have saved the device's information (see 'Adding a Device' above) navigate to the device list screen
- Select the device you installed
- Select 'Configure'
- Select the appropriate relay configuration for the device.
- Normally open: Sets the Latch R relay to be normally open
- Normally closed: Sets the Latch R relay to be normally closed
- Panel: Select if you are connecting Latch R to an existing access control panel.
- If you are connecting to a panel, enter the Facility Code and Card ID for a card that unlocks the panel at all times and days
- Select the re-lock time
- If you have connected ethernet to the device, toggle it on
- If you require static ethernet configuration, toggle to static mode, and enter the subnet mask, gateway, and IP address
- Save configuration
If you need to change the configuration of a Latch R:
- Navigate to the devices list
- Select 'Configure'
- Re-configure the settings and save
1b. Configuring Latch C
Latch C needs to be told what the door handling is in order for its motor to drive in the correct direction. Please note this is only true of the Latch C, and not the Latch C2 which is configured mechanically during installation.
- Select 'Left' or 'Right' for the door handing