What's new in Door Command Center?

Door Command Center is the new web-based platform designed for property managers and administrators to manage building access with improved efficiency and enhanced features. This article outlines the key enhancements and capabilities that set Door Command Center apart and ensures a seamless management experience.

How to Access Door Command Center:

Access Door Command Center from any browser by navigating to app.door.com and logging in using your Manager credentials.

What's new?

Upgraded User Interface and Dashboard:

The Door Command Center platform features a redesigned dashboard that prioritizes ease of use and accessibility. Key management functions are now more intuitive, with a clean layout that provides quick access to reports, permissions, and device management.

Device and System Management:

Managing hardware devices, such as smart home devices and sensors, is now more efficient. Door Command Center provides a comprehensive view of all connected devices, including their status and alerts generated by those devices.


Who can use the Door Command Center?

Similar to the Latch Mission Control, the Door Command Center is available for building managers. Different from LMC, though, the DCC is also available for residents, but the information displayed there (as well as the information-editing capabilities of the users) will depend on their manager permissions.


Are all features in Latch Mission Control available in Door Command Center?

All the existing features in Latch Mission Control will be available in Door Command Center (and more). At the moment, though, for creating Bookable spaces for your building, you'll still need to go through Latch Mission Control.


How can I assign a photo to my building?

To assign a photo to your building, please follow the steps in the article below:

Upload your building picture to Door


If you need any assistance with this, please contact support at doorman@door.com.We'll be happy to help!


For more information, please check the Door Command Center section in our Knowledge Base.

Bringing your Door Property or Device Online

What is Door Command Center and what does it do?

Whether your Door building has hundreds of devices or just one, Door Command Center is the tool to digitally manage your device(s) in one place. With Door Command Center, you can give and revoke access to every Latch device in your building and manage your property or portfolio, straight from your web browser. Within Door Command Center, you’ll see People, Keys, Doors, and Activity. These sections enable you to add your building occupants, set up the correct Keys for your Doors, and monitor the individuals coming in and leaving your building.

Here are the steps to bring your Latch property or device online:

1. Purchase your Latch Device and complete the Property Activation Form

Purchase Latch devices through your sales representative, an authorized dealer, or the official store

If you purchase your device through Latch's store, you'll receive a form via e-mail requesting details about your Door property. Complete and submit the form.

2. Create a Portfolio Manager and Invite other Managers (Managing your Portfolio/Team)

After purchasing your Latch device and filling out your Property Activation form (if purchasing through the Door store), we will designate an initial Portfolio Manager for your property who will receive an invitation to create a log-in with Door Command Center (if you purchase on the Door store, this will be the purchaser). Once their account is created, the designated Portfolio Manager can invite additional Property Managers or Portfolio Managers as needed (see Managing your Portfolio/Team).

Note: Before Latch devices are installed at your property, identify who will be activating the devices. Make sure that person is granted device management permissions.

3. Create Door(s) ahead of Installation (Managing Doors)

Doors are the building blocks of Door Command Center.
Each Latch device must have a corresponding digital Door in Door Command Center, including residence doors, amenities, and public entrances, so you'll create a door for every Latch device you plan to install.

4. Create Keys (Managing Keys)

A key holds a door or group of doors and can be assigned to one or more people, giving them access to all the doors in that Key. When you create your keys, add the doors that you've just created and plan to install (ex: Door 101 could be added to a key labeled '101').

Property management can also apply certain settings to keys, such as Key Schedules. When you make a change to a key, the changes will apply to everyone with that Key.

5. Invite users and assign access (Managing People)

Invite users (residents, vendors, etc.) and assign them access to the relevant doors (for resources on how to use the Door App or Latch devices, check out this section).

6. Install Latch device(s) (Installation)

Install your Latch devices and assign them to their digital doors (using the resources in this section).

Getting your property ready to install new IoT devices

In order to install a new IoT device in your property, you will need to prepare your property by: having property management permissions, creating Units, and adding these Units to your residents.


Having Management Permissions

In order to make any changes in the structure of your Property (creating units, adding doors, inviting residents, etc.) you first need to make sure you have management permissions to modify your property. Only existing Portfolio Managers can grant management permissions, so we recommend that you contact your Portfolio Managers so the proper permissions can be granted to your account.


Related articles:

Adding, Editing, or Deleting Property and Portfolio Managers


Creating Units

Once your account has been granted management permissions, you will need to create Units on your property. Units link users with devices (such as IoT devices and your property's intercom) at your property and they are needed in order for your residents to be able to use the IoT devices you'll be installing.

To add a Unit to your property:

1. Log into the Door Command Center with your account's credentials.

2. Navigate to the Access section and, in the dropdown menu, select 'Units'.

3. Click on the 'Add Unit' button on the top right corner of the section.

4. Create all of the units you need for your residential doors. You can do this manually one unit at a time or via CSV file upload.


Related articles:

- What are Units, Doors and Keys?
- Creating, Editing and Assigning Units


Assigning a Unit to a resident

Lastly, once the Unit has been created, it needs to be assigned to the user who will be linked to that Unit. To do this:

1. Log into the Door Command Center with your account's credentials.

2. Navigate to the 'People' section.

3. Look for the account you'll be editing (or, if the user has not been onboarded into your property yet, invite them).

4. If the user exists in your property, locate their profile, click on it and then on 'Edit' on the top right section of their profile.

5. Add the created Unit to their account.


Related articles:

Inviting Users, Editing Access (Assigning or Revoking Keys), and Removing Users


Installing your IoT devices with the Door App

Once these steps have been followed, to install an IoT device, please follow these steps:

1. Open the Door App.

2. Select the property where you want to install the device.

3. Open Controls.

4. Here, you can choose whether to select a Unit in this section and install the device only there, or to tap on the 'Add a Device' button and select to install the device in a Unit or the entire property later.

5. Scan the device's QR code.

Note: If you don't have access to the QR code or are experiencing issues scanning it with your phone, enter the serial number after tapping on 'I can't scan the device'.

6. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided by the App for each device to complete the process. 

 if you selected 'Add a Device' without choosing a specific Unit in step 4, you'll need to select whether the device is to be installed in the property as a whole (selecting the property name under 'Building') or select the specific Unit during the step-by-step installation process.

For more information about specific IoT devices, please check the related articles below:

Door Non-Cellular Hub Quick Start Guide
Door Cellular Hub Quick Start Guide
Door Thermostat Quick Start Guide
Door Dimmer Switch Quick Start Guide
Door Power Switch Quick Start Guide
Door Open and Close Monitor Quick Start Guide
Door Motion Detector Quick Start Guide
Door Leak Detector Quick Start Guide
Door Leak Lasso Quick Start Guide
Door Temperature and Humidity Monitor Quick Start Guide

Upload your building picture to Door

With the Door Command Center you can upload a photo of your property to appear in your residents' Door App. To do so, please follow the instructions below!


  1. Log into the Door Command Center with your property manager account.
  2. Navigate to the top right corner of the screen and click on your Property's name. 
  3. In the resulting screen, click on 'Edit' next to your Property's name.
  4. In the Edit Property screen, click on the 'Edit Photo' icon in the Photo section.
  5. Select a photo from your Gallery and confirm.
  6. Click on 'Continue' (or 'Choose Again', if you want to use a different photo) to save the changes.

Once you've completed these steps your photo will be uploaded as your Building Picture in the Door Command Center and the Door App to all the accounts with access to your building! If you don't see the photo uploaded right away, please ensure you refresh your screen in the Door Command Center and close and open the Door App.



For more information, please check the Door Command Center section in our Knowledge Base.

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