Activating a Door Water Sensor

First, please review the Door Water Sensor installation guide here (Click here to download).

The following steps cover how to install a Water Sensor. For any questions about this process, please contact our Customer Support team at

  1. Add the Water Sensor to the Property and Unit using the Door App.
  2. Remove the Water Sensor from the packaging and prepare it for installation. Do not yet insert the battery.
  3. When you’re ready to begin the pairing process, tap the Pair button on the Door App. The Hub will enter pairing mode and start to look for the Water Sensor.
  4. Insert the battery into the Water Sensor and confirm the light on top begins to blink rapidly. The Water Sensor will enter pairing mode for 30 seconds and begin to communicate with the Hub.
  5. Once paired successfully, you will see a success message in the Door App
  6. If deploying the Water Sensor on the floor, the probes should face the floor. If mounting on the wall, connect the external extension probe. Remove the waterproof plug that covers the USB interface and connect the extension water probe to the device.

Note: In order for the sensor to work, both probes on the external extension must have contact with water. Attach the probes to a clean, dry surface using an adhesive pad. Then, adjust the height of the main unit and secure it with an adhesive pad on a clean, dry surface.

If the water sensor is not pairing:

  1. Your water sensor is not in pairing mode if the light has a single blink every few seconds.
  2. To put it in pairing mode, take out the battery and press and hold the button on the underside of the water sensor.
  3. While holding the button, put the battery in and count to 3.
  4. Let go of the button. The sensor is in pairing mode if it blinks in rapid succession.

I don’t know if my water sensor successfully paired to the hub:

  1. In the Door App, check that the water sensor is showing up in the building devices list.
  2. If it has successfully paired at least once, the connectivity status will be “Connected.”
  3. You can test leak detection by placing a finger on both prongs on the underside of the water sensor. The device will beep and any users added to the property, including property managers with device management permissions and phone numbers saved in Door, will receive an SMS.

Connecting a Leak Detector with Door

Getting Started

To add a Door Leak Detector to Door, the unit must already be created in the Door App, and have a Door Hub installed since the Door Hub will provide the network for the leak detector to join. The Door Hub must be powered and online during this process.

You must also ensure that the leak detector is not already registered in the Door App. If an entry for the device already exists in the Smart Devices tab of the Door App, select the device and deactivate it before attempting to pair again.

Adding a Leak Detector to the Door Hub's Network

Each Door Leak Detector has a QR code on the packaging and on the bottom of the product. This QR code contains the pairing information Door needs to add the leak detector to the Door Hub's network. From the Add Device screen in the Door App, scan this QR code and select the property, unit, and room that which the leak detector is installed. Name the leak detector something that would allow a resident or property manager to distinguish between this leak detector, and others that may be installed in the unit.

Before tapping the Pair button on the following screen, ensure that the included battery has been inserted correctly. The battery compartment can be found by removing the plastic top of the leak detector, identified with the water icon. Once the battery is inserted, the LED next to it should start blinking. If the battery has been inserted for more than one minute, you will need to press the pairing button next to the battery compartment. This should also illuminate the LED.

Once the device is in pairing mode, you can select the pair button in the Door App. This will link the Door Hub and Door Leak Detector. If the pairing is unsuccessful, the process can be restarted by removing the battery and adding it back, or by pressing the pairing button again. Be sure that the LED has stopped blinking, and is blinking again before attempting to pair from the Door App.  

Reconnecting a Nest Thermostat to the Internet

If a Nest thermostat has a status of 'Disconnected' or 'Tap to Connect,' it has disconnected from the internet and must be reconnected. You will not be able to control the thermostat using the Door App and the information available for display will be out of date or unavailable.

We recommend attempting to reconnect the thermostat to WiFi. If reconnecting the device to the network fails or it continues to fall offline, troubleshooting of the WiFi network is required. 

To reconnect your Nest thermostat to WiFi:

  1. Open the Door App.
  2. Find the residence Door and tap 'View Smart Devices.'
  3. Find and tap on the thermostat in the list of devices.
  4. Tap on the blue 'Tap Here to Connect' link.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to reconnect the Nest thermostat to WiFi. Note: You will need to locate the thermostat where it is installed on the wall. If you have more than one thermostat, please ensure you have located the correct device.

To reconnect your Google Nest E or Nest Learning Thermostat to WiFi:

  1. Bring up the 'Quick View' menu.
  2. Go to 'Settings,' then 'Network.'
  3. Choose your Wi-Fi network name and enter your password if prompted.
  4. If you continue to experience trouble with reconnecting your Nest thermostat to WiFi, please contact Door Support for further assistance.

If these steps are unsuccessful and assistance is needed, please reach out to our Customer Support team at

Linking a Jasco Light Switch with Door

This guide assumes the Jasco light switch is already installed and functioning manually. This can be verified by manually pressing the on and off buttons, and verifying that the light behaves as expected. If this is not the case, check Jasco's support page, or contact an electrical professional for assistance.

Getting Started

To add a Jasco light switch to Door, the unit must already be created in the Door Command Center, and have a Door Hub installed since the Door Hub will provide the network for the light switch to join. The Door Hub must be powered and online during this process. You must also ensure that the light switch is not already registered in the Door App. If an entry for the device already exists in the Smart Devices tab of the Door App, select the device and deactivate it before attempting to pair again. 

Adding a Light Switch to the Door Hub's Network

Each Jasco Light Switch has a QR code on the packaging and the bottom right corner of the front of the product. This QR code contains the pairing information Door needs to add the light switch to the Door Hub's network. From the Add Device screen in the Door App, scan this QR code and select the property, unit, and room where the light switch is installed. Name the light switch something that would allow a resident to distinguish between this light switch and others that may be installed in the unit.

Before tapping the Pair button on the following screen, press the top button on the light switch 10 times. This will put the light switch into pairing mode. You will know the light switch is successful in this state if the light it is controlling turns off, and the LED begins to blink.

If pairing is unsuccessful, tapping the top button on the light switch 10 times can restart the process. If you are using the QR code on the packaging, be sure to check that you are scanning the correct QR code. And remember, there will be a copy on the front of the light switch if the packaging QR code is not working as expected.

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