Reporting and Auditing Platform

The Door's Reporting and Auditing Platform provides managers access to building data to drive efficiency and reliability when auditing staff, resident permissions, devices, administrators, and more throughout a property.

Within Door, Property Managers can access reports all in a single place and automated reports allow users to easily filter, sort, search, and export files. The Reporting and Auditing feature helps to eliminate human error and provides a clean auditing trail to view Admin, Users, Key, and Devices reports.

To view the reports within Door, go to the upper right-hand corner of the screen,and  click 'Reports.'

Reports Available:

  • Admin Actions Report - The Admin Actions report is used to audit which Admins have been added or removed, who has granted them access, and their permission start/end dates. This report is available only to Portfolio Managers.

  • Assigned Access Report - The Assigned Access report includes names and email addresses of users who have access at a property and details about their access. It includes access time periods, who granted the access, and whether they’ve set up their Door account or have a keycard associated with their account.

  • Keys Report - The Keys report shows the doors associated with each key, when doors were assigned to that key, and who took that action.

  • Access Devices - The Access Devices report details which devices would benefit from a Door Update, Firmware Upgrade, or Battery Change. This report includes the Door Name, Product Type, Firmware Version, whether a Firmware Upgrade is needed, whether a Door Update is needed, Device Update Reason, Estimated Battery Percentage, and Days Since the Last Battery Reading.

  • Keycards - The Keycards report provides details about all activated key cards, making it easier for property managers to manage their key cards. Property Managers can view all the activated keycards, their activation date, and the users associated with those keycards.

  • Packages/Concierge Pro- This report provides metrics about deliveries made through the Concierge Pro, including Month/Year, Peak Delivery Hours, Time Zone, Average Daily Deliveries, and Average Daily Packages. This report is available only to properties with Concierge Pro.

  • People Keys - The People Keys report helps you ensure users only have the minimum required access. Our report provides detailed information on each user's access level, including their name, type (Resident, Guest, or Manager), number of keys, and the specific keys they have access to. With the ability to filter by user name, user type, and key name, you can easily identify any potential risks and take action to mitigate them. 

Search and Filtering:

In the upper right-hand corner of Door, users can search by a specific field (e.g. by name, email, or key name). Next to the search bar, users can adjust filters to customize their reports, such as filtering by a specific date range, admin, or a resident’s name.'

Exporting Data:

To export the report, navigate to the blue box on the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select ‘Export.’  To export a report, users must first select the ‘Report Type’ from the drop-down menu and create a report name. In all reports, users can adjust the time period of the data in the report.  Once complete, select the ‘Export CSV’ button to generate the file. The data file can then be easily added to a CSV editing program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for additional analysis and insights.

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