I've received a message asking me to download the Door App. What should I do now?
You can download the Door App following the links below and can log in using your Latch App credentials.
Do I need new credentials or perform a password reset to log in to the Door App if I have an account in the Latch App?
After downloading the Door App, you can log in directly by using the same credentials used for your Latch App. That said, if you've forgotten your password you can reset it by selecting 'Forgot Password' on the Door App login screen.
Will I have the same doors that I had in the Latch App?
Yes, all assigned access remains the same. If you are missing any Doors, you'll need to contact your property manager to assign those to your account.
Where can I find my doors in the Door App?
You can find your doors in the 'Access' menu by tapping the 'Access' tile or the key shape button in the Door App. Your list of doors will populate there!
How do I enable the "proximity unlock" feature?
If you are an Android user, you can enable or disable the Hold Near to Unlock feature (Bluetooth technology) by going into 'Access', tapping on the cogwheel right above the door list, and toggling on/off the 'Hold Near to Unlock' option. If you are an iOS user, the Hold Near to Unlock feature is active by default and cannot be deactivated.
What does a Red Dot next to my door's name mean?
A red dot on a door indicates the battery is below 15% or a Firmware Upgrade is available for that door.
Can I re-order my Doors?
To change the order your doors appear in the Door App, simply open the Door App, and select the 'Reorder' button. Then, use the three lines on the right-hand side of each door to set your preferred order. Once complete, select 'Done' to save the changes.
What are 'Controls'?
Controls is a new section where you'll be able to activate IoT devices for your Unit and manage already-activated IoT devices assigned to you by your property managers.
Related articles: Controls (section)
What are 'Services'?
Services is a new section where you'll be able to schedule an appointment with a HelloTech expert directly from your account for a variety of services, including TV mounting, home cleaning, and handyman services.
Related articles: Services in the Door App
How can I add or change my profile picture?
Your profile information is in the Profile section (top-right corner button on your Door App). To make any changes, select the profile icon and choose 'edit profile.'
How can I change my building's image?
Only Managers can select a building image. If you would like to change your building image, we recommend contacting your management team directly!
What's the bell icon used for?
The Notifications section which you can access through the bell icon next to your profile section will show you all types of notifications regarding your devices (locks and smart home devices assigned to your account). You can filter which notifications you see through the Filters button in the section and can modify notifications settings for your account by going into the Settings cogwheel icon in the section.
Can I create my own account in Door?
For now, your building management team continues to be responsible for Door account creation. If you need to have your account created (or you need to edit your account's email address), please contact your management team directly so they can assist!
Do I have to keep the Latch App installed?
No, the Door App will replace the Latch App, so we strongly recommend uninstalling the Latch App after logging into the Door App
Do I need an internet connection on my cellphone to unlock doors?
While your doors are unlocked via Bluetooth or NFC* technology only, an internet connection is needed so that:
- Your app can be updated with any changes happening to your account's access or doors' information.
- Your app can communicate with your property's intercom to receive an intercom call and initiate remote unlocks.
*NFC is only available for Android devices.