In order to install a new IoT device in your property, you will need to prepare your property by: having property management permissions, creating Units, and adding these Units to your residents.
Having Management Permissions
In order to make any changes in the structure of your Property (creating units, adding doors, inviting residents, etc.) you first need to make sure you have management permissions to modify your property. Only existing Portfolio Managers can grant management permissions, so we recommend that you contact your Portfolio Managers so the proper permissions can be granted to your account.
Related articles:
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Property and Portfolio Managers
Creating Units
Once your account has been granted management permissions, you will need to create Units on your property. Units link users with devices (such as IoT devices and your property's intercom) at your property and they are needed in order for your residents to be able to use the IoT devices you'll be installing.
To add a Unit to your property:
1. Log into the Door Command Center with your account's credentials.
2. Navigate to the Access section and, in the dropdown menu, select 'Units'.
3. Click on the 'Add Unit' button on the top right corner of the section.
4. Create all of the units you need for your residential doors. You can do this manually one unit at a time or via CSV file upload.
Related articles:
- What are Units, Doors and Keys?
- Creating, Editing and Assigning Units
Assigning a Unit to a resident
Lastly, once the Unit has been created, it needs to be assigned to the user who will be linked to that Unit. To do this:
1. Log into the Door Command Center with your account's credentials.
2. Navigate to the 'People' section.
3. Look for the account you'll be editing (or, if the user has not been onboarded into your property yet, invite them).
4. If the user exists in your property, locate their profile, click on it and then on 'Edit' on the top right section of their profile.
5. Add the created Unit to their account.
Related articles:
Inviting Users, Editing Access (Assigning or Revoking Keys), and Removing Users
Installing your IoT devices with the Door App
Once these steps have been followed, to install an IoT device, please follow these steps:
1. Open the Door App.
2. Select the property where you want to install the device.
3. Open Controls.
4. Here, you can choose whether to select a Unit in this section and install the device only there, or to tap on the 'Add a Device' button and select to install the device in a Unit or the entire property later.
5. Scan the device's QR code.
Note: If you don't have access to the QR code or are experiencing issues scanning it with your phone, enter the serial number after tapping on 'I can't scan the device'.
6. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided by the App for each device to complete the process.
Note: if you selected 'Add a Device' without choosing a specific Unit in step 4, you'll need to select whether the device is to be installed in the property as a whole (selecting the property name under 'Building') or select the specific Unit during the step-by-step installation process.
For more information about specific IoT devices, please check the related articles below:
Door Non-Cellular Hub Quick Start Guide
Door Cellular Hub Quick Start Guide
Door Thermostat Quick Start Guide
Door Dimmer Switch Quick Start Guide
Door Power Switch Quick Start Guide
Door Open and Close Monitor Quick Start Guide
Door Motion Detector Quick Start Guide
Door Leak Detector Quick Start Guide
Door Leak Lasso Quick Start Guide
Door Temperature and Humidity Monitor Quick Start Guide