Does Door's data retention policy comply with New York City’s Tenant Data Privacy Act?
Yes, we have revised our Privacy Policy to comply with New York City’s Tenant Data Privacy Act. This change will automatically be effective on July 30, 2021 for all Door users in a New York City property and applies to data collected on or after that date. This change impacts users across Door applications for consumers and enterprises in New York City. More information regarding this NYC data retention policy can be found in our Privacy Policy.
What happens to New York City resident access logs after 90 days in the Door App?
Activity logs for buildings in New York City will be subject to a 90 day retention period starting July 30, 2021 for access logs collected on or after that date. After 90 days, these activity logs will be deleted or anonymized on a rolling basis.
What happens to my (resident) access logs before the New York City Tenant Data Privacy Act policy takes effect?
New York City building activity logs from before July 30, 2021 will not be visible via the Door App or Door Command Center. For NYC buildings, only 90 days worth of activity logs generated on or after July 30, 2021 will be accessible via the Door App or Door Command Center. For special cases where data beyond that time frame is needed, please reach out to
What happens to logs outside of New York City buildings that do not fall under the Tenant Data Privacy Act policy?
Activity logs for buildings outside of New York City will abide by the default two-year retention period. Access logs will only be visible in a two-year time range. Activity logs generated on or after July 30, 2021 will be removed or anonymized two-years after they are generated.