This guide assumes the Jasco light switch is already installed and functioning manually. This can be verified by manually pressing the on and off buttons, and verifying that the light behaves as expected. If this is not the case, check Jasco's support page, or contact an electrical professional for assistance.
Getting Started
To add a Jasco light switch to Door, the unit must already be created in the Door Command Center, and have a Door Hub installed since the Door Hub will provide the network for the light switch to join. The Door Hub must be powered and online during this process. You must also ensure that the light switch is not already registered in the Door App. If an entry for the device already exists in the Smart Devices tab of the Door App, select the device and deactivate it before attempting to pair again.
Adding a Light Switch to the Door Hub's Network
Each Jasco Light Switch has a QR code on the packaging and the bottom right corner of the front of the product. This QR code contains the pairing information Door needs to add the light switch to the Door Hub's network. From the Add Device screen in the Door App, scan this QR code and select the property, unit, and room where the light switch is installed. Name the light switch something that would allow a resident to distinguish between this light switch and others that may be installed in the unit.
Before tapping the Pair button on the following screen, press the top button on the light switch 10 times. This will put the light switch into pairing mode. You will know the light switch is successful in this state if the light it is controlling turns off, and the LED begins to blink.
If pairing is unsuccessful, tapping the top button on the light switch 10 times can restart the process. If you are using the QR code on the packaging, be sure to check that you are scanning the correct QR code. And remember, there will be a copy on the front of the light switch if the packaging QR code is not working as expected.